3-D Ultra MiniGolf Screen Saver Installation Instructions ****************************************************************************** Thank you for downloading Sierra On-Line's 3-D Ultra MiniGolf Screen Saver. Here's how to finish installing the screen saver: 1. Copy these files into the "Windows/System" folder: 3-D Ultra MiniGolf Screen Saver.msf 3-D Ultra MiniGolf Screen Saver.scr and CiSe11.isd 2. Right click on your desktop and select "Properties", then "Screen Saver". "3-D Ultra MiniGolf Screen Saver" will be one of your options. Once you've selected it, click "Apply" and "Okay". ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** HAVE FUN! {Techno-Legal Mumbo-Jumbo:} All characters and content of these logo screens are Copyright (c) 1997 Sierra On-Line, Inc. SIERRA ON-LINE, INC. DOES NOT WARRANTY OR PROMISE THAT THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL WORK WITH ANY OR ALL COMPUTER SYSTEMS. SIERRA DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY, EITHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL, FOR THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN, INCLUDING ANY AND ALL DAMAGE TO OR LOST USE OF COMPUTER HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE PRODUCTS, LOSS OF WARRANTIES, OR LOST DATA BY THE CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY SIERRA, ITS EMPLOYEES, DISTRIBUTORS, DEALER OR AGENTS SHALL CHANGE THE RESTRICTION OF LIABILITY OR CREATE ANY NEW WARRANTIES. IN NO CASE SHALL SIERRA’S LIABILITY EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE SIERRA SOFTWARE PRODUCT.